Child Photography Sessions Information


Child Portraits

At Hilton Photography, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional service that caters to your unique needs and preferences. Our team works tirelessly to capture stunning and timeless images of your child that you can cherish for a lifetime. We pay attention to every detail and use our expertise to create beautiful and artistic portraits that showcase your child’s personality and character. You can trust us to provide you with a first-class experience that exceeds your expectations.

As your children grow and mature, it is natural to want to cherish every moment of their journey. Documenting their growth and development is an excellent way to achieve that. 


Sport and Performing Arts

From ballerinas to footballers, budding actors to violinists and everything in between, we can help you create a set of images that stand out from the crowd. Your child is uniquely special, why not give them an experience that will stay with them for life and they will have the images to relive the excitement! Parents have told us that even as life moves on, the memories captured and displayed as wall art in their homes are irreplaceable.

At Hilton Photography, our goal is to assist your family in creating heirlooms that can be cherished by generations to come. Who doesn’t love reminiscing over old photographs? Your future relatives will undoubtedly feel the same way, which is why it’s important to have more than just mobile phone pictures. Professional images are invaluable and truly worth their weight in gold.

What Happens After We Book?

As a standard practice, we always schedule a pre-session consultation before starting the actual photography sessions. During this consultation, we take the time to have a chat with you to learn all about your child. We will ask you questions about your child’s personality, likes, and dislikes, as well as any specific preferences you may have for the photoshoot. This helps us to tailor the photography session according to your individual needs and preferences to ensure we capture the best possible images. 


At Hilton Photography, we understand the importance of creating images that stand the test of time. To achieve this, we believe that styling plays a crucial role. We provide you with personalised wardrobe advice to ensure that the clothing you choose for your child is tailored to the bespoke theme of the shoot and suggest items that suit your taste and align with the overall vision. With our expertise, you can rest assured that the images will be nothing short of spectacular.

Day of the Session

The session day is the culmination of all the hard work and preparation that goes into any creative project. It is the day when everything comes together and all the pieces fall into place. The set-up is complete, the equipment is ready, the team is in place, and now it’s time to have some fun in the studio.

It’s the day when the creative energy is at its highest, and we are all focused on making the session a success. From building a rapport with your child to capturing the perfect shot, everything is executed with precision and care. The session day is truly a joyous occasion and will be remembered for life.

After the Session

After the photo session, we take time to carefully review and edit all of the images captured to select the absolute best ones for you. We use our expertise to ensure that each image is of the highest quality, and we take pride in presenting you with only the very best options.

At this point, we will invite you back to our studio to view the selected images. During the viewing, you will have the opportunity to choose your favourite images and decide which Collection you would like to purchase. We understand that every client has unique preferences and desires, and we will work with you to ensure that you receive a personalised experience.

We will also discuss Wall Art options with you during the viewing; displaying your favourite images on the walls of your home is one of the most special ways to cherish your memories, we offer products that suit all tastes.

Your kind words

What an amazing experience!! Ellie enjoyed herself so much that she can't wait to go back to Karen's fabulous studio
"We couldn't be happier"
We were blown away by the quality of the photos and couldn’t be any happier. Thank you once again and we look forward to seeing you soon for another fantastic photo session.
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